Cacao Temple - Artisan Raw Chocolate blends, bars, Dorset

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Starting your own CBD Oil Business - with Daisy Valentine


We want to share with you some of the amazing brands and people that we love. If you love Cacao Temple you will love these guys too. To kick off this series of blog posts we are starting with the one and only Daisy from Daiba. Daiba specialises in raw organic CBD oil and Daisy is giving it her all to help spread the word about its benefits despite some controversy.

What inspired you to start Daiba?

Having discovered many moons ago the incredible health benefits of CBD oil along with its life-changing effects, we had to share our discovery. Our journey to creating Daiba had begun. Prior to my discovering CBD oil, I was medicated with numerous pharmaceutical drugs for ADHD, years of chemicals along with the side effects, (which may I add in part were worse than the condition itself) began to take it's toll on my body both physically and mentally.Deciding enough was enough and so the detox began...

"Time for change"

When I began using CBD oil, healing began and my world changed for the better and my partner's! Daiba was born! 100% Organic, Raw, full spectrum, cold pressed CBD+CBDa oil, No chemicals and No nasties and Made with Love

It's all in the detail...

That is why our packaging and materials used to produce this little bottle of goodness are all...Eco, Recycled and Vegan-Friendly. Love Earth.

Had you always wanted to start your own business?

I have had my own business for 6 years, I am a hair stylist and run a vegan studio in Westbourne, of course working with people every day and having a more casual setting I am close to many of my clients on a more personal basis.

I hear life’s complaints and concerns on a daily basis, I love making people feel better and see life from a fresh perspective, I want to help and bring love and natural healing to mainstream everyday living.

Daiba naturally fit in with that concept and actually has allowed me to make a big difference for a lot of people. It’s so wonderful to make an immediate difference to people’s lives first hand and remind people that they are beautifully able and can take control back for themselves physically and mentally.

So yes I love running my own business and it brings me so much joy although challenging as I am only human too!

What have been your biggest challenges so far?

I guess challenges would lie with the more everyday areas of running a business, all the admin!

Finding time to fit it all in is a real challenge as apparently there’s only 24hrs in a day!

I have my business partner who is brilliant in these areas and takes control of those aspects along with website related subjects, that side of the business is most definitely not my area of expertise.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses its just a case of being aware of them and teaming up the right person, teamwork!

We have also found the biggest challenges lie with the CBD industry and still the lack of information and education within our government which in turn causes a misguided ripple effect that prohibits us from being able to share the wonderful benefits of plant medicines.

Unfortunately, the government also has its own synthetic version of CBD which has been available for some time but has caused numbers of fatalities and more harm than good.

We are seemingly fighting an uphill justice battle with the red tape brigade that has had a very negative effect on honest good companies, many being forced to close and give up their businesses. We have also felt the strain with this situation particularly in the areas of banking and being able to use payment gateways, but we continue to fight for the greater good and what is right!

The stigma behind Cannabis has reduced greatly over the last two years but is still present, people are still wary and hold on to dated concerns about what and how cannabis effects us.

This, of course, is very understandable given the years of negative propaganda and lacking knowledge, slowly but surely perspectives are changing and knowledge is becoming widely available.

We just need the UK to catch up a little with the rest of the globe, happier and healthier humans all round!

There are many not so honest companies also operating within our industry which unfortunately exploit vulnerable people all in the name of profit, this is a sad truth and all too common.

It is vitally important to us as a company to be fully transparent and open with our products, we are extremely proud of the quality of our CBD and love our Industry.

Honest, good quality products that make such a positive difference should be available to the public,

Mother Nature has such wonderful healing powers we want all to know!

Where do you see your business in 5 years?

We see ourselves of course growing, becoming widely available and making a real difference to peoples lives, we want to move into all aspects of natural healing and wellbeing, proving that natural healing is incredibly powerful.

We said from the beginning and still today that Daiba is not to become a faceless corporate company, Daiba is to be open and honest.

We created our business because CBD changed our lives and want to share our journey to inspire others to do the same.

Not forgetting your reasons and ethics is absolute, for me personally love and nature is the answer, we just all need a little reminder from time to time and to return to our roots.

Being so busy running your own business now, how does wellness show up in your life?

I have to be very aware of my time and energy expenditure, to be honest, this is my weakest skill set, I have a terrible habit of being a workaholic and setting the balance way off.

Time management is everything, spending time nurturing your own needs and wellbeing is vital to being productive in all areas. I spend as much time outdoors as possible, I meditate, practice yoga and other various sports, above all is awareness of diet and getting plenty of sleep.

Again diet and finding time to cook isn’t my strongest area so I have consciously been aware that I am eating well and packing in all the good stuff.

We all need to keep the engine well fulled and energy levels up.

Daisys top tips to living a healthy and happy life.

1.Being mindful of your energy expenditure, time spent in what areas and keeping the balance.

2.Practice setting time aside for you, nurturing yourself and being empathetic to your needs allows us to understand ourselves on a deeper level and thus becoming more aware of our strengths, giving us more clarity in everyday situations and better coping mechanisms under stressful environments. It also allows us to recharge mentally and physically which in turn naturally brings a positive mindset to every day.

3.Diet, maintaining a balanced, vitamin-rich diet is everything, educating ourselves on not only what food we eat, but from where our food is sourced is essential. Poor diet and supplement choices put everything out of order.

If we fail to give our brains and body good, well thought out nutrition it creates a slippery slope to ill health.

Understanding brain health and what is needed to run at optimum level creates productivity, clarity and above all, a happy brain makes a happy body.

“Food for thought”

You can head over to Daiba here to check out all of their products.