About Cacao Temple

Artisan Chocolate. Made with Love.

Cacao Temple was born, and has grown, from a passion for finding foods that are as pure and natural as possible.

A few words from an interview with the founders, Jody & Mark :

What & who have inspired you to start Cacao Temple?

JT - There came a point in my life when I realised something was wrong. I constantly felt lethargic, fed-up and as though I’d lost my mojo. So, I decided to do something about it. I studied natural health and soon realised that my diet over the past 30 years was a major factor. Consequently, I changed my diet and almost immediately felt the health benefits. The only problem was, I missed having a treat.

Back then it was rare to find a sweet treat without processed sugars, milk solids and chemicals; and I wasn’t keen on the raw chocolate offerings available. Left with nowhere to turn, I decided to make my own healthier version. I studied and attended lots of courses; my first course being with Amy Levin of Ooosha in London - raw chocolatier extraordinaire.

Help and inspiration have also come from…

Co Founder, Mark Wild, whom also works as a Shamanic Healer. On my quest to healing my physical body he helped me to understand how to manage my emotional health - which of course, goes hand-in-hand with having good physical health. Not being in the best of health since childhood, he assisted me to heal my emotional issues.

Creating a nourishing treat that I loved was a natural step. Many a night was spent in the kitchen, creating and experimenting, mixing and tempering raw chocolate creations, until the birds were singing. These creations soon became very popular with family and friends. It made even more sense to share them with many others that were searching for healthier options, and so Cacao Temple was born.

More inspiration and much of my knowledge came from a wonderful natural health practitioner I call ‘My Angel in Blue Jeans’, cue… Jeroen van Putten of Energise Me. Now a dear friend, Jeroen is an absolute wizard in natural plant medicine and makes the most amazing raw chocolate ever. He taught me so much about chocolate, health and diet. If you're ever in Amsterdam, please go and visit him. Jeroen is one of the kindest, most genuine loving human beings on planet earth. 

MW - I was never much of a chocolate lover really the odd dark bar here and there. But I was searching for healthier choices in life which didn’t contain loads of sugars to satisfy my sweet hit. I first met Jo back in 2013 when she hosted a bespoke raw chocolate making workshop for my son and I. Since then I haven’t glanced at a shop bought bar of chocolate and now I have the pleasure of creating my own in house chocolate recipe (which would fly out the door if I let it :)) It’s a far cry from what I used to consume.

Within my healing practise and by studying medicinal plants, I soon realised that there was far more depth to cacao than simply making chocolate bars and discovered the true healing potential of the mother plant cacao, so I began working with her more. I started to offer cacao healing ceremonies to encourage people to open their heart. Cacao is the perfect partner for allowing us to access our heart space, it’s the medicine of love, which assists with the emotional healing, now when I offer one to one healing sessions I use the ceremonial cacao to help assist the process.

So I guess my driving force to co-create Cacao Temple comes from supporting Jo’s passion and wanting to see a change in how chocolate is viewed including all its benefits. Both of our visions are to see healthier options available in a more loving world. We believe sharing really good tasting, beneficial cacao, is one of the many ways to make that change.

Giving you 'Food of the Gods' every way possible.

Thanks for taking the time to read about us. We invite you to dive head first into our chocolate shop and experience the love and passion that goes into our bars and blends. Like so many other customers, we know you will be thrilled.

Sending an abundance of Love and Chocolate,

Joanne (Mumma Chocolat) & Mark (chief blender and taster!) xx

Cacao Temple is a private enterprise founded on Love, Kindness and Cacao.