Ceremonial Cacao

100% Ceremonial Cacao from the Sacred Valley of Peru.

This sacred powerful plant medicine allows you to journey deep into your heart space for it is known to open your heart. Used in ceremony for centuries by ancient Mayan cultures and still to this day it is quickly becoming more well known throughout the rest of the world for its transformational benefits.

Cacao Temple Ceremonial Cacao helps to;

  • expand consciousness

  • connect to self and open heart

  • release bliss chemicals

  • connect with your creativity

  • deepen mental clarity

  • clear emotional blocks

When we receive the cacao from the Sacred Valley of Peru, it is then taken on a shamanic journey by Mark Wild, Transformational Shamanic Healer, he starts his own process to create a ceremonial block of cacao easy for you to apply in your daily life as and when you feel the call to use it.

The cacao is melted down assuring it is kept around 42 degrees in temperature to keep the nutrients intact. Adding a touch of spice, cayenne pepper (which helps the body absorb the cacao fully into your blood stream) cardamon and cinnamon. Mark takes the cacao into his healing space where the icaro (medicine songs) given by the cacao spirit are used to call & honour the Spirit of Cacao, followed by his prayers with pure tobacco.

Once sacred ritual of the cacao is complete it is then hand wrapped and sealed with Love.

Recommended Dosage

A full ceremonial dose is 1 to 11/2 oz per person in 8oz of water warmed gently over a heat source. (you may like to add a little plant milk and a little natural sweetener such as maple or yacon,) We personally advise to drink without it to feel the raw goodness. Best taken on an empty stomach or after a light meal of vegetables/salad or fruit. Drink plenty of water. Avoid dairy as it blocks the bodies receptors that are needed to absorb the cacao.

Contra - Indications

Some anti-depressants and heart medication do not mix well with the tryptophan and MOA (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors in the cacao. Cacao may also increase the heart rate, opens the blood vessels, increasing flow and lower blood pressure.

Many reasons to use;

  • For intimate gatherings, a wonderful way to connect the guests

  • During intimate moments for deeper connection

  • For deeper personal meditation or meditation circles

  • Yoga for oneself or group events

  • To study for greater concentration

  • During exercise

  • Conscious parties/dance events

  • Sound healing journeys

*For practitioners wishing to purchase in bulk for group events you will find a bulk buy 2 kilo price (8 x 250g blocks) in the drop down menu on the shop page. Each block gives 5 ceremonial doses.

How we found Sacred Cacao many years ago….

Seven years ago we attended our first Cacao Ceremony nestled in a tipi around a fire with a Cacao Shaman, Keith Wilson, from Guatemala and had the most blissful experience. Since that moment we knew we had to share this experience with many people to help spread the Cacao Spirit and to reach people that needed some assistance with their emotional and physical health. Taking a dive into this Mother Plant Medicine has for sure been the most powerful heart opening experience.

We have been offering cacao ceremonies now for the past 6 years in and around Dorset, UK. Please visit for more information on ceremonies and to see how he can aid in your personal transformation. Mark works with cacao during his one to one healing sessions in his shamanic healing practise to help access the heart space and to go deeper for transformation to take place. To work with Mark please visit his website.