How to make your Cacao Liquid Love Blend

So, you have your packet of Cacao Liquid Love Blend™ and wondering what to do with it, this is the most frequent asked question we have and to be honest the answers are endless. Firstly though to keep things simple we will share here two easy to make smoothies.

The original idea of creating the Love Blend was to make a nutrient dense daily breakfast smoothie that will satiate you through til at least lunch time and give you a lot more energy. But many of our customers and indeed ourselves are using it in many ways and substituting regular cacao powder and replacing with Cacao Liquid Love Blend ™ in lots of delicious recipes. This way you gain so much more wonderful plant based super foods to add to your diet.

If you prefer your drink warm in cooler months just try to keep it under 46 degrees to save all nutrients in the raw ingredients. If you have a sweet tooth add a little natural sweetener such as maple syrup, coconut nectar, honey, yacon syrup*, monk fruit powder* or stevia*. These natural sweeteners are lower on the GI scale and are much better for you than white processed sugars. 

* these sweeteners are keto diet friendly and zero on the GI scale.

To start you off, here are two fulfilling smoothie recipes for you to enjoy.

Entry Level Love Blend

1 Tbsp of Love Blend

300ml of plant based milk

1/2 banana (optional)

drizzle of natural sweetener (i.e. maple syrup, coconut nectar, yacon syrup, raw honey (from happy bees) )

Add all the ingredients to a blender and whizz a few seconds. You can also shake it all up in a jar if you don’t have a blender. Note* mash the banana first if you choose to add one!

Mumma Chocolat’ Love Blend Smoothie

1 Tbsp Cacao Liquid Love Blend

300ml Plant Based Milk

1/2 Banana

Handful of Blueberries or Cherries

1 Tbsp Hulled Hemp Seeds

1/2 Avocado

Drizzle of natural sweetener (optional, I prefer mine without! )

Add all to a blender, whizz a few seconds and another glass of vitality awaits you!


Make either of the above smoothies and pour over some oats, muesli or granola and add some fresh soft fruits that you fancy. Delicious and very filling start to the day, or even an afternoon snack or pudding, full of natural health giving goodness.

Overnight Oats with Fresh Fruits

Overnight Oats with Fresh Fruits